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Body Dread is an abstract rendering of relationships between trauma, femininity, exhaustion, and rage made up of multi-layered experiences of material, language, and rigorous physical repetition. The solo attempts to demonstrate a psycho-physical-emotional exhaustion that asks, "how do we keep going even when it's hard?"
Body Dread was performed as part of "IT'S ME, ISN'T IT?" a self-produced show with Marin Day and Maddie Hopfield at Lifeworld in Gowanus, BK.
Performance and choreography by Lindsey Jennings
Sound: Tectonic by slowdanger and Jasmine Hearn, Lift Me Up by slowdanger, and Fury by slowdanger
Filming by Izzy Leung

During the duration
of the solo,
a series of collage
post cards with the
text pictured here
was passed down
the rows of audience
members. Thus, each
audience member
experienced the
language and images
at a different point
during the live

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